Life Coaching On The Spectrum


Certified Life Coach and Financial Planner

Are you an adult on the spectrum looking to get your finances in order?

Are you a neuro-diverse person who is burnt out trying to fit into a neurotypical world?

Are you looking for someone who thinks like you to walk along your path with you?

Are you ready to invest in you/your future?

Are you ready to break your patterns?

request an appointment

Welcome to ASD Life Coaching

My name is James. I am an adult man on the spectrum, I am a father of a daughter on the spectrum. I was diagnosed as an adult and after my diagnosis things made a lot more sense to me. I have worked with coaches, therapists, other autistics, friends and other support people on my journey to self discovery and growth. I completed my Life Coaching Certification so I could help others on the spectrum find their path. My role as your coach is not to tell you your path or walk your path for you but to be your guide on your own journey to self discovery. As the saying goes, when you meet one person on the spectrum you have met one person on the spectrum. I don’t know what autism totally means for you but I do have an understanding what it is like to be autistic and can relate to it which is why I became a coach. My experience with neuro-typical coaches and therapists left a lot to be desired. Often, after meeting them, they’d say I was fine and coping well enough.

I tried to find a life coach on the spectrum, I searched and could not find one in all of North America.

I was looking for work and feeling a high level of anxiety about trying to figure out what to do. A friend of mine said to me that I do a great job of helping people and that I should explore that for a career. I overcame my anxiety and fear of going out of my comfort zone and I’m glad I did. I have helped others and others have helped me. It has opened many new doors and opportunities for me.

I work with Corporations to help neuro-typical managers work more effectively with their neuro-diverse employees. I work with neuro-diverse people to help them find their path and define their own personal and professional success.

James Townend

James Townend


James Townend is a Certified Life Coach and Financial Planner who has worked with clients in financial planning for over 15 years. James has a degree in Administration and Economics and has completed various courses in financial planning with the Canadian Securities Institute, most recently obtaining his Certificate in Advanced Financial Planning in October 2020. James was diagnosed with Autism in 2017.

To learn more about us, click here.

Services Provided by ASD Life Coaching

For a detailed list of all services provided by ASD Life Coaching...

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  • Speaking
  • Working with Neuro-Diversity
  • Financial Planning for Persons on the Spectrum
  • Budgeting for Neurodiverse Persons
  • Neurodiverse and Neurotypical Relationships
  • Importance of Early Childhood Diagnosis
  • Autism and Fitness
  • Coaching
  • One on one
  • Group
  • Consulting
  • Grant Writing

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